Sunday, April 11, 2010

USPC Draft Manifesto - Comments Welcome

1. Embrace and champion the best traditions of western culture - in science, the arts, and government.
2. Develop a foreign policy that focuses primarily on vital interests and national defense, and not imperial ventures in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere that will lead us to national bankruptcy.
3. Strengthen K-12 curricula across the board, including economics, mathematics, science, foreign languages and the arts.
4. Stimulate entrepreneurship and small business formation, and restore American preeminence in manufacturing.
5. Develop a healthcare system in the US that is universal, cost-effective and innovative. Recognize that in the "knowledge economy", education, jobs training, heatlhcare and basic research are as critical a part of national infrastructure as roads, power grids and national defense.
6.Restore the principal of "majority rule" in the US Senate and enact campaign financing reforms to blunt the perverse power of money and incumbency.
7. Reform our financial system by breaking up institutions that are "too big to fail", and establishing rigid boundaries among banking, securities underwriting and capital market activities like derivatives trading.
8. Put Social Security on a sound financial footing.
9. Accelerate the move to green energy and away from dependency on foreign oil by placing a permanent price floor under all fossil fuels via a national energy tax.
10. Abandon the war on drugs and divert law enforcement resources to public safety.
11. Adopt a prudent immigration policy that offers undocumented foreigners temporary work visas and tightly controls immigration by enhancing border and visa controls, prosecuting non-compliant employers and deporting non-compliant immigrants.
12. Replace ideological idiocy with responsible political discourse and fact-based decisionmaking.  
13. Jobs, jobs training and public service, not welfare.
14. Economic policy should favor market mechanisms wherever possible, with an appropriate regulatory structure.
15. The best way to preserve religious freedom is to keep religion out of politics.
16. Restore Amercian preeminence in basic research and space technology.

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